Sunday, January 24, 2010

OK, Let's Get Talking: Race and Sex

• Do you long for open, authentic discussions about race but have difficulty finding others equally interested?

• Do people tell you that you're "just too sensitive" when you bring up topics of race?

• Do you read at least one article each week on the topic of race?

• Do you wish you could do more to repair racial harm than just talk about it?

If you answered, yes, yes, yes, and YES, then EmergentSee Dialogues is for you!
We meet monthly to have deep, honest discussions about race with the goal of racial reconciliation and reparation. We look at institutionalized racism and white privilege, observe our roles in them, take personal responsibility, and work to dismantle these systems.

Spring 2010 Theme: Race and Sex
Join us on the third Thursday of each month from 6:30-9pm: February 18, March 18, April 15

Suggested donation for refreshments, handouts, and EmergentSee Racial Reparations Fund:
$20 for 3-session series

Location: 3038 N. Cambridge Ave, Milwaukee, WI (home of Peggy Hong)

We encourage all attendees to bring along a friend whom you talk with about race.

Questions? Contact or 414-975-7382

Our Mission: The multi-racial EmergentSee Collective formed in 2008 to reveal and correct white privilege and racial oppression. In our work with individuals and groups, participants learn to recognize their roles in systems of oppression and institutionalized racism. As individuals take personal and social responsibility, they experience the humility and contrition required to repair racial harm. EmergentSee Collective inspires and supports individuals to make personal reparations and work toward institutional reparations.

Complete this form and email to or send to 3038 N Cambridge Ave, Milwaukee, 53211.

Race: Asian/Pacific Islander__ Black__ White__ Latino/Hispanic__ Native American__ Other______
Age: under 20___ 21-30___ 31-40____ 41-50___ 51-60___ 61-70___ 71+___

Do you have book, film, or article recommendations regarding this topic? ________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have questions or concerns you would like addressed in these dialogues? ___________________________________________________________________________________

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